Seminar-Laboratory on Text Recognition
Macerata, 10-11/03/2025

A Seminar-Laboratory entitled Theory and practice of text recognition of digital images of manuscripts: Virgilio took place at the University of Macerata (UniMC) on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 March 2025. The event, held by Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab Leader | UniVE-DSU VeDPH | CLARIN-IT | DiPText-KC | H2IOSC), was organized by the Department of Humanities of the University of […]

Concluded the Second Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series “A bridge between two worlds”

The Seminar The fruition of manuscripts concluded the Second Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series A bridge between two worlds: the disciplines with a historical vocation and the DHs. The Seminar, held by Marco Cursi and Marco Scarbaci on Thursday 17 November 2022 from 15:00 to 17:00 through the Zoom platform, was attended by 18 persons, with a peak of […]

Second Appointment of the Second Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series “A bridge between two worlds”

The Second Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series A bridge between two worlds: the disciplines with a historical vocation and the DHs continued with the Seminar Writing between Paleography and Handwritten Text Recognition. The Seminar, held by Jean-Baptiste Camps (École Nationale des Chartes | VeDPH Visiting Professor) and Angelo Restaino (State Archives of Rome) on Thursday 20 October 2022 from […]

Started the Second Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series “A bridge between two worlds”

The Seminar Paleography and Codicology kicked off the Second Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series A bridge between two worlds: the disciplines with a historical vocation and the DHs. The Seminar, held by Alberto Campagnolo (Université Catholique de Louvain), Nadia Cannata (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) and Maddalena Signorini (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”) on Tuesday 20 September 2022 from […]

Starting the VeDPH Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities (Autumn Term 2022)

DiPText-KC is glad to announce the Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities (Autumn Term 2022) organized by VeDPH and UniVE-DSU under the patronage of the UniVE Research Institute for Digital and Cultural Heritage, the Association for Digital Humanities and Digital Culture (AIUCD) and CLARIN-IT. The Seminars are tailored for humanists of all disciplinary backgrounds and will be held in English […]

Starting the Second Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Cycle “A bridge between two worlds” after the Summer Break

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce that the Second Cycle (September-November 2022) of the Permanent Seminar Series A bridge between two worlds: the disciplines with a historical vocation and the DHs will kick off after the Summer break. The Permanent Seminar Series, organized by CNR-ILC and UniVE-DSU under the patronage of CNR-DSU, VeDPH, CLARIN-IT, CLARIN, DiPText-KC and AIUCD, aims to constitute […]

Concluded the First Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series “A bridge between two worlds”

The Seminar Digital Critical Editions concluded the First Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series A bridge between two worlds: the disciplines with a historical vocation and the DHs. The Seminar, held by Eugenio Burgio (UniVE) and Frédéric Duval (École Nationale des Chartes, Paris) on Thursday 26 May 2022 from 15:00 to 17:00 through the Zoom platform, was attended by 25 […]

Second Appointment of the First Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series “A bridge between two worlds”

The First Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series A bridge between two worlds: the disciplines with a historical vocation and the DHs continued with the Seminar Genetic Philology and Digital Ecosystem. The Seminar, held by Emmanuela Carbé (UniSI) and Paola Italia (UniBO) on Thursday 21 April 2022 from 15: 00 to 17:00 through the Zoom platform, was attended by 35 […]