
The CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Digital and Public Textual Scholarship – in short DiPText-KC – offers expertise on methods, data, instruments and technologies relevant in the field of Philological and Literary Studies, History, Art History and Cultural Heritage.
Its actions aim at:
- sharing information with scholars and students about the state of the art in digital scholarly editing and text annotation through domain-specific languages;
- supporting scholars and students in the creation and publication of digital scholarly editions and resources;
- organizing training activities (for instance webinars, workshops and summer schools).

DiPText-KC is a Certified CLARIN Knowledge Centre established under the aegis of CLARIN-IT, the Italian node of CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure), a digital infrastructure of pan-European interest identified by ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) and classified as a Landmark Research Infrastucture for the Scientific Community of Social Sciences and Humanities (ESFRI Landmarks SSH RI).
CLARIN Knowledge Centres are a cornerstone of the CLARIN Knowledge Infrastructure (one of CLARIN main components) and ensure a continuous transfer of knowledge between all players involved in the construction, operation and use of the infrastructure.
The mission of the CLARIN Knowledge Infrastructure is to ensure that the available knowledge and expertise do not exist as a fragmented collection of unconnected bits and pieces, but are made accessible in an organised way to both the CLARIN community and the Social Sciences and Humanities research community more widely.