Short Term Scientific Missions
20/05/2024 | 12/06/2024 | 24/08/2024

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the Call for Applications promoted by the COST Action LITHME (Language In The Human-Machine Era) for the latest round of funding dedicated to STSMs (Short Term Scientific Missions). A STSM is one of COST standard networking activities for an individual to visit a host organization located in a different country than their country of affiliation […]

Workshop on Digital Latin
Siena, 06-07/06/2024

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the Workshop Digital Latin: Using Databases for Linguistic and Literary Research, which will take place in the Physics Room of the University of Siena on Thursday 6 (afternoon) and Friday 7 (morning) June 2024. The Workshop, organized by the Center for Comparative Studies “I Deug-Su” of the Department of Philology and Literary Criticism (DFCLAM) of […]

First Results of the EU Project GreekSchools
Naples, 23/04/2024

The Mid-term Conference of the ERC-ADG project GreekSchools – The Greek philosophical schools according to Europe’s earliest ‘history of philosophy’: Towards a new pioneering critical edition of Philodemus’ Arrangement of the Philosophers took place on Tuesday 23 April 2024 at the National Library ‘Vittorio Emanuele III’ in Naples. During the event, the progress of the research conducted within the project […]

Voices from Hell: Dante in the Testimonies of Lager Survivors
Pisa, 18-19/04/2024

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the International Conference Voices from Hell: Dante in the Testimonies of Lager Survivors, which will take place in Pisa, at the Aula Magna of the Polo Fibonacci, on Thursday 18 and Friday 19 April 2024. The event is organized by Marina Riccucci (UniPI) under the patronage of AIUCD, CISE, CLARIN-IT, DiPText-KC, H2IOSC, CDEC, UniPI, UniPI-DiFiLeLi […]

Transnational Access Grants
Deadline: 31/05/2024

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the Calls for Applications promoted by the Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities (ATRIUM) project, of which Consortium CLARIN is a partner. These Calls are addressed to researchers who wish to apply to participate in Transnational Access (TNA) training visits to support their research. The possible types of application are two: The deadline […]

CLARIN Survey ‘AI in Higher Education’

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the CLARIN Survey ‘AI in Higher Education’. The aim of the survey is to gather information about the current policies, guidelines and recommendations related to the use of artificial intelligence and data in education and research across the CLARIN member countries. The outcomes of the survey are the basis for a contribution to be submitted […]

Call for CLARIN Mobility Grants
Permanently Open Call

DiPText-KC is pleased to promote the Call for CLARIN Mobility Grants. In order to enhance integration within CLARIN at the human resources level and to stimulate the capacity in the realm of technical development, training and uptake, CLARIN Mobility Grants are available to support individual researchers, developers and educators with funding for short visits (typically up to one week) among […]