Started the Workshop Cycle “Digital Philology meets Computational Linguistics”

The Workshop #1 – The lemmatization of Latin. Corpora, tools and interoperability in Linked Data kicked off the Workshop Cycle Digital Philology meets Computational Linguistics: Methods and Resources. The Workshop, curated by Marco Passarotti (UniCattMI) and Francesco Mambrini (UniCattMI) within the ERC project LiLa, was held at UniVE and through the Zoom platform from 14:30 to 18:00 of Thursday 17 […]

Digital Philology meets Computational Linguistics: Methods and Resources

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the Workshop Cycle Digital Philology meets Computational Linguistics: Methods and Resources, organized by UniVE-DSU and VeDPH under the patronage of CLARIN-IT, DiPText-KC and CNR-ILC. The events will be held between March and July 2022 both face-to-face, at UniVE, and online, through the Zoom platform. In order to access the university locations, Early Reservation (free of […]

Digital Spritz 2022

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the 2022 edition of Digital Spritz, a series of meetings with Italian and international scholars who have distinguished themselves in the linguistic and literary fields of the Digital Humanities. The events will take place once a month (on Wednesdays at 17:00) between March and July 2022 at the Co-Working Room of the Department of Foreign […]

Disciplines with a Historical Vocation meet Digital Humanities

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the Permanent Seminar Series A bridge between two worlds: the disciplines with a historical vocation and the DHs, organized by CNR-ILC and UniVE-DSU under the patronage of CNR-DSU, VeDPH, CLARIN-IT, CLARIN, DiPText-KC and AIUCD. The 2022 events will take place once a month (on Thursdays from 15:00 to 17:00) between March and May 2022 (First Cycle) […]


The 11th CLARIN Annual Conference (CLARIN 2022), organized by CLARIN ERIC in collaboration with LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ, will be held from 10 to 12 October 2022 and will be chaired by Tomaž Erjavec (Jožef Stefan Institute, CLARIN.SI National Coordinator). After two virtual editions, the event will take place in Prague (provided that the pandemic situation allows it). The CLARIN Annual Conference is […]

LREC 2022

The 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), organized by ELRA in collaboration with CNR-ILC, will be held in Marseille, at the Palais du Pharo, from 20 to 25 June 2022 (the Main Conference on 21, 22 and 23; Workshops and Tutorials on 20, 24 and 25) and will be chaired by Nicoletta Calzolari (CNR-ILC). LREC is the […]

Starting the VeDPH Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities (Spring Term 2022)

DiPText-KC is glad to announce the Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities (Spring Term 2022) organized by VeDPH and UniVE-DSU under the patronage of the UniVE Research Institute for Digital and Cultural Heritage, the Association for Digital Humanities and Digital Culture (AIUCD) and CLARIN-IT. The Seminars are tailored for humanists of all disciplinary backgrounds and will be held in English […]

Concluded EUPORIA 2021

The EUPORIA 2021 Webinar Cycle on Annotation of Literary and Documentary Texts through Domain-Specific Languages ended yesterday.The Webinar Cycle aimed at sharing ideas and experiences on Domain-Specific Languages applied to research in the Humanities and was an occasion to meet creators of formal grammars and users of formal languages for encoding critical apparatus or linguistic, stylistic and multimedial annotations.EUPORIA 2021 […]