Cultural Heritage in the Digital Paradigm
A Workshop entitled The description of cultural heritage in the digital paradigm: tools, methods and challenges was held on Thursday 26 October 2023 at the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
The objective of the Workshop was to stimulate a debate with experts in the field of Digital Humanities in an interdisciplinary way both on the methodologies and IT tools for the semantic description of cultural heritage in the broad sense and on the theoretical implications relating to the semantic modeling of such data and the related implications at a scientific level and at the level of use by a wider public.
The Workshop was created with the co-financing of the European Union (FSE REACT-EU, PON Research and Innovation 2014-2020) under the patronage of DiPText-KC, AIUCD and Net7.

- Descrivere semanticamente. Ovvero il ruolo dei Linked Open Data
by Francesca Tomasi (Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna)
(sides 1/2 | slides 2/2) - La semantica della pagina scritta
by Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC | DiPText-KC)
(slides) - Technical Deep Dive: Aggregazione di dati e annotazione semantica in ambienti culturali collaborativi
by Alessandro Bertozzi (Net7) and Chiara Aiola (Net7)
(slides) - Prospettivismo, cos’altro?
by Timothy Tambassi (UniVE)
(slides) - Il progetto OntoVE per la descrizione e visualizzazione del patrimonio culturale germanico in Veneto: metodologia e sfide
by Chiara De Bastiani (UniVE)
(slides) - Recupero dei dati, aggregazione e annotazione: un case study collaborativo
by Chiara De Bastiani (UniVE) and Giulia Fabbris (UniVE)