Started the PNRR RI project H2IOSC

The project Humanities and cultural Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud (H2IOSC), financed with funds from the Recovery and Resilience National Plan (PNNR) dedicated to Research Infrastructures (RI), kicked-off on 1 November 2022.
H2IOSC aims at creating a federated and inclusive cluster of Research Infrastructures in the ESFRI domain of Social and Cultural Innovation to allow researchers from various disciplines in the Humanities, Language Technologies and Cultural Heritage sectors collaborate in data and compute intensive research.
H2IOSC will support the implementation of a coherent strategy for Research Infrastructures development and integration in Italy, optimizing the use of the most relevant assets, upgrading and implementing the facilities, as a result of needs arising from the reference communities, gathered through a comprehensive assessment and prioritisation work.
H2IOSC will be implemented by various CNR institutes, including CNR-ILC.
H2IOSC will make data, tools and skills available to researchers, will be strongly oriented towards training and will build a network of high-performance data and computing centres, one of which will be hosted at CNR Research Area in Pisa.
The project will run up to 30 April 2025.