Lessons on Digital Ecdotics
Venice + Online, 19-20/02/2024
DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the Lessons on Digital Ecdotics organized by UniVE-DSU VeDPH and the University of Saskatchewan (Canada) under the patronage of CLARIN-IT, DiPText-KC, CNR-ILC, H2IOSC and AIUCD.
The Lessons will be held at UniVE-DSU VeDPH on 19 and 20 February 2024.
The opening and closing lessons will be held, respectively, by Franz Fischer (UniVE-DSU VeDPH Director | DiPText-KC) and Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab Leader | UniVE-DSU VeDPH | CLARIN-IT | DiPText-KC | H2IOSC).
The Lessons can also be followed via Google Meet.