Digital Philology meets Computational Linguistics: Methods and Resources
DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the Workshop Cycle Digital Philology meets Computational Linguistics: Methods and Resources, organized by UniVE-DSU and VeDPH under the patronage of CLARIN-IT, DiPText-KC and CNR-ILC.
The events will be held between March and July 2022 both face-to-face, at UniVE, and online, through the Zoom platform.
In order to access the university locations, Early Reservation (free of charge), the reinforced Green Pass and a FFP2 mask are required.
In order to receive connection details, Registration (free of charge) is necessary.
Early Reservation and Registration details of each Workshop are provided in the Workshop Cycle Playbill.
For further information, please contact Agnese Macchiarelli.
Stay tuned!