Transnational Access Grants
Deadline: 31/05/2024

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the Calls for Applications promoted by the Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities (ATRIUM) project, of which Consortium CLARIN is a partner. These Calls are addressed to researchers who wish to apply to participate in Transnational Access (TNA) training visits to support their research. The possible types of application are two: The deadline […]

CLARIN Survey ‘AI in Higher Education’

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the CLARIN Survey ‘AI in Higher Education’. The aim of the survey is to gather information about the current policies, guidelines and recommendations related to the use of artificial intelligence and data in education and research across the CLARIN member countries. The outcomes of the survey are the basis for a contribution to be submitted […]

Call for CLARIN Mobility Grants
Permanently Open Call

DiPText-KC is pleased to promote the Call for CLARIN Mobility Grants. In order to enhance integration within CLARIN at the human resources level and to stimulate the capacity in the realm of technical development, training and uptake, CLARIN Mobility Grants are available to support individual researchers, developers and educators with funding for short visits (typically up to one week) among […]

Call for Application for a NLP Summer School

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the Summer School “Computational Language Technologies for Medievalists”, which will be held in Graz from 8 to 12 July 2024, thanks to funding from the University of Graz, ZIM-ACDH and the ERC DiDip Project. Postgraduate and PhD level participants will be offered guidance through the conceptual foundations of Natural Language Processing and hands-on exercises tailored […]

Oriental Studies & Digital Humanities

An event entitled Oriental Studies & Digital Humanities took place on Friday 9 February 2024, from 10:00 to 17:00, at the Marco Polo Building of the ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome (UniRoma1). The event was divided into three interventions: “Text acquisition from digital images: OCR and HTR” and “Text encoding, linguistic annotation and deposit in CLARIN” by Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC CoPhiLab […]

ALIM GitHub Repository Now Public

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce that the GitHub Repository of the Archive of the Italian Latinity of the Middle Ages (ALIM) was made public on Tuesday 30 January 2024. ALIM aims to provide free online access to all the Latin texts produced in Italy during the Middle Ages. For several centuries, in fact, Latin represented the only language in which, […]

Call for Abstracts for CLARIN 2024

In announcing the 13th CLARIN Annual Conference (CLARIN 2024), CLARIN ERIC invites submissions of extended abstracts describing CLARIN related work addressing the following aspects: (i) use of the CLARIN infrastructure; (ii) design and construction of the CLARIN infrastructure; (iii) CLARIN Knowledge Infrastructure and dissemination; (iv) CLARIN in relation with other infrastructures and initiatives; (v) education and training. The event will […]