DiPText-KC officially recognized as a CLARIN K-Centre

Today the Knowledge Centre for Digital and Public Textual Scholarship (DiPText-KC) was officially recognized as a CLARIN Knowledge Centre until 12 October 2024. DiPText-KC is one of the CLARIN Centres established under the aegis of CLARIN-IT, the Italian node of CLARIN, a digital infrastructure which offers data, tools and services to support research based on language resources and which has […]

Concluded EUPORIA 2021

The EUPORIA 2021 Webinar Cycle on Annotation of Literary and Documentary Texts through Domain-Specific Languages ended yesterday.The Webinar Cycle aimed at sharing ideas and experiences on Domain-Specific Languages applied to research in the Humanities and was an occasion to meet creators of formal grammars and users of formal languages for encoding critical apparatus or linguistic, stylistic and multimedial annotations.EUPORIA 2021 […]