Transnational Access Grants
Deadline: 31/05/2024

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the Calls for Applications promoted by the Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities (ATRIUM) project, of which Consortium CLARIN is a partner.
These Calls are addressed to researchers who wish to apply to participate in Transnational Access (TNA) training visits to support their research.
The possible types of application are two:
- Individual Access: individual applications based on a specific research topic proposed by the applicant that match the specialisms of the host organisation;
- Summer School Access: fixed events during the year that provide access for a group of researchers based on a set of predetermined specialised topics.
The deadline of the 1st Collection of Applications is 31 May 2024; its results will be notified to applicants by 28 June 2024.
Calls for Applications will be issued several times per year throughout the duration of the project (running from March 2024 to December 2028).
Individual Access applications will be offered on a rolling basis with a deadline every three months.
Summer Schools Access applications will be offered 1-2 times a year with a fixed deadline 3-4 months prior to each scheduled event.