Workshop on Digital Scientific Editions

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the Workshop on Accessibility, Sustainability and Reuse in the Ecosystem of Digital Scientific Editions, organized by the Italian Institute of Germanic Studies (IISG) under the patronage of UniVE, CNR-ILIESI, DARIAH-IT, CNR-ILC, DiPText-KC, H2IOSC, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ (UniRoma2) and University of Verona (UniVR).
The Workshop will focus on the Digital Scholarly Editions Platform and aligned Translations (DiScEPT), whose architecture will be introduced and discussed.
Speakers will include, among others, Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC | DiPText-KC | H2IOSC) and Angelo Mario Del Grosso (CNR-ILC | DiPText-KC), who will held a talk entitled Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) and Helpdesk in DiScEPT.
The Workshop will be held in Rome, at IISG headquarters, on 8 February 2024 from 11:00 to 17:00.
The Lessons can also be followed via Google Meet.