Call for Application for Winter School on RIs
DiPText-KC is pleased to announce that the EU H2020 project RITrain Plus – Qualification of Future Operators and Managers of Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities has organized a free-of-charge Winter School on Research Infrastructures for students, young researchers and technicians interested in pursuing a career path in Data Management and European Research Infrastructures.
Undergraduates in their third year of study and Master’s and PhD students from various disciplines are invited to apply.
The Winter School programme offers two tracks:
- WS1 – The European Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities in the European Research Area: An Introduction (Online, 01-15/02/2024)
Application deadline: 25/01/2024 - WS2 – Research data management and policies in Research Performing Organizations and Research Infrastructures (Online, 16/02/2024-06/03/2024)
Application deadline: 01/02/2024

Upon completing their learning activities, students will receive a certificate attesting their competences as Future Managers of Research Infrastructures and Core Facilities.
The CLARIN ERIC Training and Education Office will keep information about students accepted into the programme on file for future job openings at CLARIN.