Started the Second Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series “A bridge between two worlds”
The Seminar Paleography and Codicology kicked off the Second Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series A bridge between two worlds: the disciplines with a historical vocation and the DHs.
The Seminar, held by Alberto Campagnolo (Université Catholique de Louvain), Nadia Cannata (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) and Maddalena Signorini (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”) on Tuesday 20 September 2022 from 15:00 to 17:00 through the Zoom platform, was attended by 25 persons, with a peak of 30 participants about halfway through the event.
The Second Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series is organized by Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC & UniVE-DSU / VeDPH), Elisa Guadagnini (CNR-ILC) and Antonio Montefusco (UniVE-DSU) and includes two other Seminars scheduled for 20 October 2022 and 17 November 2022 (see the Second Cycle Playbill).
Stay tuned!