Started the First Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series “A bridge between two worlds”
The Seminar Ecdotics and DH kicked off the First Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series A bridge between two worlds: the disciplines with a historical vocation and the DHs.
The Seminar, held by Marina Buzzoni (UniVe-DSLCC) and Lino Leonardi (SNS) on Thursday 24 March 2022 from 15:00 to 17:00 through the Zoom platform, was attended by 75 persons, with a peak of 78 participants about halfway through the event.
The First Cycle of the Permanent Seminar Series, organized by Federico Boschetti (CNR-ILC & UniVE-DSU / VeDPH), Elisa Guadagnini (CNR-ILC) and Antonio Montefusco (UniVE-DSU), has the patronage of OEC and includes two other Seminars scheduled for 21 April 2022 and 26 May 2022 (see the First Cycle Playbill).
Stay tuned!