1st Call for Applications for H2IOSC TNA/NA
Opening Period: 07-27/10/2024

DiPText-KC is pleased to announce the 1st Call for Application for Trans-national and National Access to the H2IOSC RIs Cluster services.

The H2IOSC Cluster of Research Infrastructures offers free transnational and national access to advanced digital services and tools to conduct innovative and computationally intensive research on complex digital data and objects.

The digital services and tools offered were either restructured or implemented during the PNRR IR project H2IOSC – Humanities and cultural Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud by CLARIN-IT, DARIAH-IT, E-RIHS.it and OPERAS-IT, the Italian nodes of the four European Research Infrastructures involved in it.

The call for application is open to both academic and industrial research projects and/or activities; applicants can be individuals or teams from academia, business, industry and public services; teams can include researchers, doctoral candidates, technical staff and students participating in research in the framework of their studies.

Opening Period: from 7 to 27 October 2024

Applications will be evaluated on the basis of criteria of scientific excellence, originality and quality through a peer review conducted by the H2IOSC External Advisory Board (EAB) after a technical, logistical and ethical feasibility assessment from the service providers.